CONSERVATION MANITOU Acquires 103 acres in Lake Manitou’s Watershed


CONSERVATION MANITOU Acquires 103 acres in Lake Manitou’s Watershed

November 30, 2018 (Ivry-sur-le-Lac, Quebec) CONSERVATION MANITOU is pleased to announce that it has completed the acquisition of an additional 103 acres of forest and wetlands within Lake Manitou’s watershed. Approximately 80 acres were donated by Aaron Remer under Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Ecological Gifts Program, while 23 acres were acquired from Elizabeth Barker. CONSERVATION MANITOU now has 1,330 acres of natural areas under its protection.

“We thank Aaron Deborah for their generous land donation which will help us preserve eco-sensitive areas and maintain our historic trail network on the east side of Lake Manitou” comments Stephen Takacsy, Chair of CONSERVATION MANITOU. “As well, we purchased a significant wetland known as Barker Lake and a beautiful ridge with a trail connecting our Hanging Rock and Horseshoe Lake properties. We thank Fondation de la Faune du Québec, Echo Foundation and several of our loyal donors for their financial support in helping us acquire this important property.”  

As a reminder, CONSERVATION MANITOU is still fundraising to endow its Stewardship Fund with $250,000 from which it can generate a steady income to pay the ongoing carrying costs of its conservation lands.

                             Donations can be made by cheque payable to CONSERVATION MANITOU at:

1800 McGill College Avenue, suite 2102, Montreal, Quebec H3A 3J6

or online at:

CONSERVATION MANITOU is a registered charity and qualified recipient of Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Ecological Gifts Program. Its mission is to preserve and protect the ecosystem and natural environment of Lake Manitou and its surroundings, by acquiring land and conservation easements, either donated or purchased, and providing stewardship in perpetuity. It is one of the leading organizations dedicated to the preservation of natural areas in the Laurentians with approximately 1,330 acres of conservation lands under ownership located in the municipalities of Ivry-sur-le-Lac, Ste-Agathe-des-Monts and Saint-Faustin-Lac-Carré.


Delphine Favorel - Joseph Graham - Kim Holden - David McAusland

Michael Prupas – Matt Stotland – Stephen Takacsy

Registered Charity No.:  831460936RR000
